29 March 2023
Europe/Vienna timezone

Brainstorming - Digital Twin South Tyrol

29 Mar 2023, 14:20


EURAC Research Conference Hall Viale Druso Drususallee, 1, 39100 Bolzano


Thomas Quetri (SIAG)


The South Tyrol digital twin project aims to create a digital replica of the territory that is able to provide real time information and link public administration services for citizens. This will create a virtual territory immersion experience, allowing citizens to access information on weather, traffic, air quality and environmental conditions.

In addition, the digital twin of the South Tyrolean territory will make it possible to integrate services offered by the public administration, such as traffic management, parking management, waste management and emergency management. This will provide citizens with greater transparency and access to information on the activities of the public administration.

The project will use state-of-the-art technologies, such as the Internet of Things, augmented reality and geolocalisation, to create an innovative and engaging user experience. In addition, data analysis algorithms will be used to gather information about the territory and citizens' activities, improving the quality of services and spatial planning.

In conclusion, the South Tyrol digital twin represents an important step forward for technological innovation in the public sector, offering citizens greater transparency, access to information and a better user experience.

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