EODC Forum 2024



Kuppelsaal Technische Universität Karlsplatz 13, 1060 Wien 4. OG (Elevator available)

EODC Forum 2024 – June 10 - 11

We are pleased to announce that the EODC Forum 2024, from June 10th – 11th was a great success! 

We would like to thank the 166 registrants from 87 organisations, spanning 11 different countries (AT, DE, CH, FR, IT, ES, CZ, SI, NL, PL, HU) for their in-person attendance and active participation. It was great to see and feel the support that the EODC receives from the public, partners and colleagues in the Earth observation (EO) community and beyond! 


The EODC Forum 2024 was co-organised by Urban Innovation Vienna and the FFG Aeronautics and Space Agency.


