May 9 – 10, 2023
Europe/Vienna timezone

EODC Forum 2023 – May 9-10

We would like to thank the 94 registrants from 43 organisations, spanning 7 different countries (AT, DE, CH, FR, IT, NL, PL) for their in-person as well as online attendance and active participation. It was great to see and feel the support that the EODC receives from the public, partners and colleagues in the Earth observation (EO) community and beyond!

This year the EODC Forum was a hybrid event that featured presentations from the public, scientific and private EO sector. On May 9th, our first conference day, we informed our participants about recent EODC’s activities and our service offerings as well as included presentations and talks focusing on specific EO developments from Geosphere Austria, TU Wien, Eumetsat, CloudFerro, ESA, DLR, EGI, and others.

Our second conference day, May 10th, was dedicated to specific project meetings and workshops.

Our Networking-Dinner on May 9th proved to be a welcomed opportunity to connect and build on existing and/or new business partnerships and opportunities.

We are now already looking forward to welcoming you again next year at the EODC Forum 2024!

Day 1: TUtheSky Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien BA Gebäude, 11. OG Day 2: TU Science Center, HS Atrium 2 Franz-Grill-Straße 9 1030 Wien
Application for this event is currently open.